20.11.2023 Blog Recruitment

5 reasons to move to another country for work

In this blog, we outline why moving to another country for work can benefit you and your career.

Brand new life skills

Even before you leave your home country, you are already experiencing new challenges.

First off, even before you leave to start a new life abroad, you will have to hone your organisation skills to sort out your move. From packing your belongings to finding a transportation company to sorting out any pending administrative matters.

Once you get to your new destination, you may feel a bit overwhelmed by the list of things you have to do. Plus being in a new, unknown place – to settle down in, not just as a holiday – may feel daunting.

For the first few weeks, do not hesitate to ask people for help if you need it. You will soon catch on and start feeling more comfortable.

Discovering the best places for food shopping and entertainment will make you feel more at home. As will figuring out how to get around with public transport, keeping within your budget, and figuring out how to pay your bills.

Learning to cook your own meals (especially if you never did so before) will give you a huge feeling of satisfaction.

The most satisfying feelings come after a challenge. And once you’ve had some time to make a fresh start, you will also feel a tremendous sense of achievement.

Moving to another country for work can benefit your career

Moving to a new country and finding work there shows recruiters and employers that you can rise to a challenge, and are adaptable, independent, driven, and motivated.

It also shows that you are adept at soft skills such as good communication.

Many employers value international experience, especially in the tech industry. Showing that you have had experience working internationally on your CV is therefore a good idea.

All this might just give you the edge over any other candidates while giving your career a boost.

Experience a new culture

When you are on holiday in another country you only get to experience the tip of the iceberg, as it were. Once you move to another country for work, it is a completely different story.

Living in a different country for a longer period of time means that you will be able to immerse yourself in that country’s culture.

This will make you feel more at home (and less homesick, if you are missing your friends and family).

Expand your professional and personal network

Moving to another country for work can offer a number of career advancement opportunities. Working in a new environment can give you exposure to new ideas, approaches, and technologies.

All this can help you grow and develop professionally. Furthermore, when you work in a new chosen country, you are not only expanding your professional network, but your personal one as well.

The professional relationships with your new colleagues may lead to other interesting career moves, even within the same company. The new friends you make will probably remain friends forever.

A better quality of life

Moving to another country for work can often offer an improved work-life balance.

Sometimes it can also offer more vacation and better healthcare, as well as more diverse cultural amenities and more outdoor space and access to nature.

Living in a new country may also offer a more affordable cost of living.

Living abroad will broaden your mind

Meeting people who come from different cultures, trying new things, and having experiences which you would not have normally had at home will expand your mind and enrich your life.

When you live and work abroad, you are constantly learning and growing.

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